Tuesday 2 April 2013

Frequently asked Questions about Courtesy Notices

Frequently asked Questions about Courtesy Notices

Questions addressed to foropaq@gmail -
Answers compiled by Ken Bartle - submitted by Ken Bartle, Chris Hales and Scott Bartle.
Reference Links at bottom of document
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What is the OPPT - I
m new to this.
Please study all the information in the links at the bottom of this document until you grasp the fullness of it.
What is a Courtesy Notice? - I
m new to this.
A Courtesy Notice (CN) is an offer to contract, sent by you to an individual in a bank or government. It is sent in
response to a letter of demand, a threat of action, a summons, or other unlawful demand, detention or arrest - some
tangible thing that is causing you harm.
The Courtesy Notice first alerts that person to the foreclosure of their bank or government, resulting from filings by the
Secondly it informs that person that they act in full personal liability henceforth.
Third, it offers that individual a choice; to do nothing, or to continue the action as though nothing had changed. Please
understand that this choice is not offered to the foreclosed bank of government, but solely to the individual who still
believes that entity (his/her employer) has the authority to continue the harmful action agains you.
That individual is named as “the Respondent” on the CN, which is addressed by that individuals name c/- of the [alleged
Corporate Name, alleged Bank or alleged Company] You are identified as the “Proponent”
The Courtesy Notice IS NOT A NOTICE OF DEMAND. To do so would be the equivalent of YOU operating a “slavery
System” - which is exactly what the courtesy notice exposes as “foreclosed”
The CN does “order” that the action against you (by the entity) be CEASED AND DESISTED, but also offers terms and
conditions that will apply if the action is continued by the Respondent (individual)
Accordingly the CN is an offer of contract - based on your terms and conditions. The respondent has a choice.
What does a Courtesy Notice mean to me?
It means that you agree for the harm to continue in exchange for payment of sums of silver.
It is very important the you understand that.
The respondent (individual) is offered a commercial contract, to knowingly and willfully accept or reject. The terms of
acceptance are the continuation of the harm by the respondent. Because the respondent is responsible to advise any
others involved, any notification that the action is continuing, or is to continue, even by another, is acceptance of your
contract. You have a “customer” and can issue an invoice immediately, just like any other contract or payment for a
product or service.
This will be followed by a reminder notice and final notice if not payed, while any new advice you receive that the harm
continues or will continue, even differently, triggers a new invoice. This process may go on for weeks.
Do not expect payment. Stopping the harm is success
Using a CN means you first accept full responsibility and liability. You are accountable for you. Understand who
you are first, feel the energy in the notice, send it with love.
s are not to be used lightly.
Emails of this kind are common unfortunately. Often newcomers to OPPT have sent messages describing that persons
current circumstances involving a court, mortgage, bank or foreclosure - and the message pleads for help.
Though our sympathies go out to these folk it must be emphasized that CN
s are very serious and are not to be used
lightly. They require close study, and that people do due their own diligence.
Questions that ask how and when CN
s should be used almost invariably indicate that more study is needed. It is for that
reason that links are provided at the bottom of this document.
s are not a quick fix solution and most often the more urgent the issues the more likely they will have to be faced in
the usual manner, whether liked or not. A CN is not always a solution and used hastily may even aggravate matters.
Please do due diligence and deal with your issue. Answers to questions from others, printed below, will help you better
understand your circumstances. If you have difficulty with using a CN the answers are here or in the guidelines.
Where do I stand?
One question must be answered.
Did the OPPT Foreclose all banks and all corporate governments world wide or not?
The Powers That Were
(PTW) have not got the memo yet and still exercise considerable force. They will not hesitate to use it presently.
OPPT foreclosed those Corporations and rendered them Null and Void. The CN points to that fact, but will the PTW
accept that? Most likely not, so you will have a fight on your hands. They know their method works because it has
worked for them over and over, across the world for centuries.
Until you are 100% convinced that OPPT foreclosed the banks and corporations, and you are prepared to accept
full responsibility and liability for your actions, please DO NOT use a Courtesy Notice
What about my Attorneys - what about the Courts - HELP
Many questioners ask. Ive ..... so should I send a notice to my attorney. Or, I
ve ..... so should I go to court?
It is very important to understand that lawyers, debt collectors, attorneys, courts, banks, governments will go to great
lengths to get you to play in their sandbox, meaning by their rules. The moment you acknowledge their authority, even
unwittingly, you approve their position. You give them power. (That is why the CN is always addressed to an individual at
an ALLEGED entity.) The CN refuses point-blank to acknowledge that the corporate entity even exists.
Thus if a question arises in your mind about whether you should send a Courtesy Notice to a lawyer, attorney,
magistrate, CEO, CFO etc, then remember that the CN allows no such credit or entitlement. There is no lawyer, there is
only Joe Blow. There is no CEO, there is only John Citizen. There is no Bank, there is only Mary Contrary who goes to a
building each day with the word BANK written over the door. There is no “your honor”, there is only an individual that
goes by the name her mother gave her.
If you attend court you attest its validity and its authority. If you send a CN to an individual who attends that place you do
You must decide what you will do. There are no detours from that necessity, not one!
Whose sand box will you play in? You cannot play in both, and the moment your tongue slips over the line into their
sandbox is the moment you sacrifice your position in full. There is a maxim of law that states, “First to leave the
battlefield loses”
Once you grasp this idea fully, and understand that the job of the courtesy notice is to arrest harm to you, you will know
exactly whom to send it to, at the (alleged) corporate entity, or their home address.
Please do not give energy or power to that which no longer exists.
What is UCC
The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is the
of commerce and used world wide, but sometimes in disguise. For
example, Article 9 of the UCC is used in Australia, New Zealand and Canada under PPSA or PPSR legislation. But that
means little when it is used at the upper echelons of banking and commerce. UCC is not taught in law schools; it is
taught at high level in banking and government corporations primarily on a need to know basis. Accordingly most
lawyers, solicitors and magistrates know nothing about UCC. Enquiries to the Courts in Western Australia drew a blank.
No one had heard of it. Expect therefore to get a letter from a legal person saying that your CN has no basis in law. What
else might you expect from someone who has not been taught?
What are the 5 new CN
The 5 new CN's refers to the fact that there are 5 different CN
s to choose from.
Read the Guidelines and choose the CN
that best suits your needs,
How does the Courtesy Notice (CN) affect the Foreclosure of Banks and Government?
This question is perhaps most frequent;
The UCC filings mean that the LEGAL charters have been foreclosed (but not the front door). The Corporate entities
never existed as
entities but believe they are
entities (there is a difference)
The CN informs banks and corporations they just got foreclosed, which means
YOU can now only deal with one
individual from the ALLEGED entity
only on a one to one basis
. That is what the CN (memo) tells the individual you
name - named as “Respondent” in the CN.
This “respondent”, to whom you send the CN, and who still thinks he/she works for a legal entity may still try to exercise
(what they still believe is) their legal Authority. That is their individual choice, but if that person (Respondent) does so,
that Respondent will get an invoice from you.
In short, when he/she sends you further demands, threats or invoices, (or deputises another to do so), then
by so doing,
he or she has agreed to trade your harm for your invoice
It's a simple one on one contract between the respondent
and you - no corporate entity is involved - they
ve been foreclosed remember.
Thus any new correspondence after you sent the CN is handled on your terms - by the contract Respondent has willingly
entered into by their own free will choice.
They can choose not to. You have not DEMANDED they cease, you've simply
informed them that further dealings are on your terms, Proponent to Respondent. How can it be any other way when the
corporate structure no longer exists?
How do I find a name (Respondent) to send my CN to?
Good question because governments, lawyers, banks and debt collectors are the worst offenders at hiding behind
Some suggested strategies ....
If you have a first name (e/g. Vincent) but no surname, try ringing and asking to speak to Vincent Clark in Accounts
(any surname will do) The switch will probably say "I can put you through to Vincent Norris"
Hang up while you're being
transferred because now you have a name in the accounts department.
Try ringing and asking to speak to Vincent Clark in Accounts (any name will do) The switch will probably say "we
don't have anyone by that name, but I can put you though to Alan"
You say "great, put me through to Alan Clark then", to
which switch will probably reply "no it
s Alan Norris".
Hang up - now you have a name in the accounts department.
Ring and say "I want to send an invitation to the manager of the accounts department. What name should I put
on the envelope?" Usually they will give it.
(And the CN really is an invitation)
If they ask what company you're from say
"O-P-P-T - we're internationally based and I
m calling from [Some town/city not local]"
That will usually soften the switch
Ring and when switch answers, ask to speak to the computer. "Huh?".
Explain you have some computer
generated correspondence to reply to from “Accounts” (or other department) but you cant find a name on it so you
d like
to speak to the computer directly.
By this time they're usually laughing their head off and their guard is down. Expect
ll say ill put you through to Beverly.
s a cool name for a computer!”
“No, silly, its Beverly Smith”. Now you
ve got your name. (Use the word “correspondence” - Don
t use the word bill,
invoice or demand.)
Go to the company website. Search annual reports, contact addresses, new staff appointments, Board of
directors, Stock exchange reports - websites and links have masses of information. Search news website for reports
from that company - the report will usually have a name.
This should be your last resort
. You really want a name in the
office or department from which notices or demands are issued.
Be creative.
Put these ideas in front of friends and family and you'll soon have some more options to try.
How do Invoices work - whom can I invoice?
Only send invoices to the individual you named as the respondent in your CN. Only send invoices AFTER you have
received confirmation that the respondent is persisting in that action, or you receive notice from another indicating that
the action is continuing. (if the respondent had stopped it, you would not receive information it was continuing.)
Identify which (1 or more) items of schedule A apply in your circumstance
Send an overdue notice for the first invoice.
Send a final notice for the first invoice.
Send a new invoice for each notice you receive that the action is continuing. (eg Your letter (CN) is baseless) as though
re buying a new product off the shelf.
This process can extend for weeks and months - (Refer also to “I am not getting results”)
I am not getting results - What
s happening?
You want one of two results from sending a CN
A letter or notice stating that all actions concerning your matter have been irrevocably closed, terminated,
withdrawn or cancelled.
Stone cold silence.
You want one result from sending an invoice.
A letter that irrevocably accepts the waiver in your invoice and certifies that
all action in the matter is irrevocably
closed, terminated, withdrawn or cancelled. NO payment by the Respondent is
necessary - your waiver has been accepted.
DO NOT expect your invoices to be paid. Do expect delays and more notices or letters.
Understand that banks / finance houses must exhaust every possibility (demands, phone calls, debt collectors, lawyers
court hearings and so on), so that eventually, when they can prove "No Result" , they can lodge an insurance claim.
Only then will all go silent as a rule.
It may happen sooner. Debt collectors run for their lives, usually, just on getting a CN.
But it's seldom over then. It
usually back to the bank at that point and next comes a lawyer, as a rule.
( You
ve a new Customer and another invoice
sent to the first one for referring it on.)
What are some examples of reactions that folk are getting from sending CN's?
Given the document was only written 4 weeks ago, it has not had much time to have an effect, however, they vary widely
as you might expect, from silence, being the desired result, right through to intimidation, demands and threats.
Understand that a CN is not a quick fix.
It is just the start of a process that might drag on for weeks or months with
seemingly no ending.
Those who begin this journey should batten down for the ride, CN, invoice, reminder notice, new invoice,
new reminder,
new invoice etc etc, statement of past invoices,
on it goes. Do that for 5 people and you've likely got a full time job.
How would I best approach getting liens and abstracts of judgement,
that are already
against my
house, removed from the county/state records?
If you're not receiving demands already than you've really nothing tangible to address .... yet.
You might consider precipitating some action.
Write to the records office and ask that they remove any
liens and
abstracts of judgement,
already recorded
against your house. If you have particular details then reference them in your
Request that you be notified in 7 [0r 14] days in writing under a hand written wet ink signature that your requested
actions have been irrevocably completed.
You just might take a trick .... send your request with love.
If instead you get a letter in return stating that your request is refused, then now you will have a person to whom you can
send a courtesy notice, citing their refusal as the action prompting the CN.
Am I invoicing for Treason?
You send the CN to an individual (Respondent) to advise of what their entity has done (attempted to do) under their (now
foreclosed) corporate banner.
You offer the Respondent your terms and conditions that will apply, only IF Respondent CONTINUES to send demands
or threats in the name of the foreclosed entity. The instant they do, you invoice them in accordance with your terms and
conditions, according which one (or more) of your terms (in Schedule A) that person engaged.
Understand that the entity was committing treason before you sent the CN. Now you are invoicing an individual in
accordance with your contract. (requesting payment in silver)
The Respondent is not committing treason by their action, rather attempting as an individual to perpetuate the treason
previously committed by the (now foreclosed) entity. The Respondent, by (foreclosed) cancellation of corporate charter
cannot act on that entities behalf, instead Respondent voluntarily enters into contract with you.
This voluntary action attempts to perpetuate the original treasonous action but in so doing respondent has agreed to
accept your invoice.
Now we are talking trade, his/her paperwork for your invoice, so that by now treason is largely historical in nature.
Should an invoice not be paid, committing or attempting to commit treason is not the charge, breach of contract is.
My electricity and water are scheduled to be turned off. Can a C N be sent to avoid this
What notice advised you of this / these?
Send your CN to whomever advised you.
Usually this will be one CN to the Sparks utility.... and one to the Water utility.....
Invoice immediately for any response
(Including for telephone advice)
other than Written notification that action is
ceased, withdrawn or cancelled.
And you might consider sending the General Harm notice to the Health Department
(no heating lighting or sanitation is
personal harm.)
Remember this entity is foreclosed also ... but you
ve got a notice you can use to prompt the CN.
Just remember, the CN is NOT A DEMAND. It is an invitation to contract, whereby you accept no lights and no water in
exchange for particular payments of Silver.
Not a comforting thought ... but would they have done it anyway?
m in dire straits - pension, ill health, minimal income, and am very concerned about
adverse effects on my entitlements.
Suggest if the risk to you is too high for direct action, you may consider other ways to inform those politicians, bankers
etc of what is happening.
There are more and more articles coming out regarding OPPT... people are sending this off to politicians and bankers in
'Open Letters' simply to inform them of what is happening.
There is a commitment to make in sending out a Courtesy Notice... it can be a long road. Given the document was only
written a month back, it has not had much time to have an effect.
Please learn as much as you can, researching more to find documents that incriminate the banks etc... and share this
information to help others. Your support is immeasurable, thank you so much!
Best wishes
What are some examples of reactions that folk are getting from sending CN's?
The document has not had much time to have an effect, however, they vary widely as you might expect, from silence,
being the desired result, right through to intimidation, demands and threats.
Understand that a CN is not a quick fix.
is just the start of a process that might drag on for weeks or months with seemingly no ending.
Those who begin this journey should batten down for the ride, CN, invoice, reminder notice, new invoice,
new reminder,
new invoice etc etc, statement of past invoices,
on it goes. Do that for 5 people and you've likely got a full time job.
What about the future?
Great question and increasing numbers of people are asking.
CVAC ( Government) is coming very soon. Systems of Assistance are being drafted. Many of the topics discussed in this
document will be of historical value only. It is to be hoped that the CN will have done its job and become redundant.
re not there yet. Much remains to be done which partly accounts for the C N Q & A email forum to close. Time spent
patching the old system is time better spend building the new. Please keep in touch with OPPT Information channels,
blogs and websites,
Great times are coming and your energy is having a very measurable impact.
Blessings from all OPPT helpers from around the globe.
Understanding The One Peoples Public Trust
UCC Toolbox
CN Guidelines - Audio File
Here is the audio link
Some of this may be redundant in view of the revised (latest) document.
UCC document search
Bank Fraud